The Jungle Book download the new version
The Jungle Book download the new version

One reason for The Jungle Book’s triumph is that it avoids rendering people as CGI creatures, which has historically put off audiences thanks to a phenomenon known as the “ uncanny valley.” As the “man-cub” Mowgli, Sethi is a recognizable human amid the film’s soup of visual effects. That it works is a testament to the ongoing evolution of computer-assisted filmmaking, which is getting ever closer to replicating reality. Meanwhile, its young star Neel Sethi worked alongside a cast of characters who were created entirely in CGI, and voiced by famous actors like Bill Murray and Lupita Nyong’o, who recorded their parts months later. Though the story is set in the jungles of India, the cast and crew never filmed anywhere but a Los Angeles warehouse. In an era when many big blockbusters like Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Interstellar, and Mad Max: Fury Road are drifting back toward “practical” filmmaking (big sets, with visual effects done mostly in-camera), The Jungle Book took the opposite approach.

The Jungle Book download the new version